Business Cards

October 29, 2018

Today I want to talk about business cards and for any professional out there, whether being a business owner or an executive with a company, it is extremely important that you have that stack of business cards in your possession at all times.

It should be probably number one on your checklist in the morning before leaving your home and getting into that world of work and in many cases as well, when you’re out socializing because you never know where there’s going to be someone who will need your information at that particular time and there’s no excuse that sounds worse than “You know, I don’t have a business card” or “I forgot my business card.”

It is a sign of professionalism as well so what you always need to do is to make sure your name is clearly highlighted and your important contact information is there; information such as your website because people do like to research you and your company, so giving them that information up front early on allows them to really investigate if you’re the type of person, if you’re the type of business that they would like to do business with.

Getting one of those types of phone cases that allows you to always have business cards with you is also a good tool that can be used.

We all keep our cell phones on us all the time so therefore it means if you have your phone with you, you will have business cards.

It then becomes just checking it once a day or once every few days to make sure that you have enough business cards in stock here; just to give you a little additional tip:

If you’re down to your last business card, you can always ask the persons to take a picture of the card because you all know that most people just put away the cards; never to be seen again!

Many of the phones, especially the new smart phones, you can scan the business card directly into your contacts and then it is there for them to contact you whenever necessary.


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