Labaria (Bothrops Atrox) – One Of The Most Feared Snakes In Guyana!

October 8, 2019

When people in Guyana think about venomous snakes, the one that most readily comes to mind is the labaria. It is known for its aggressiveness, speed and devastating venom. This article will give you further details about how to identify this snake, its habitat and what to do if bitten.

Identifying The Labaria (Bothrops Atrox)

  • The color pattern of the labaria is highly variable, including a ground color that may be olive, brown, tan, gray, yellow, or (rarely) rusty.
  • The body markings are highly variable, as is the degree of contrast: in some specimens the pattern is very well defined, while in others it may be virtually absent.
  • In general, however, the body pattern consists of a series of dorsolateral blotches, rectangular or trapezoidal in shape, which extend from the first scale row to the middle of the back.
  • These blotches may oppose or alternate across the midline, often fusing to form bands. They also have pale borders, which in some cases may be prominent, and may be invaded from below by tan or gray pigment, occasionally dividing them into pairs of ventrolateral spots.
  • The belly may be white, cream or yellowish gray, with an increasing amount of gray to black mottling posteriorly that may fade again under the tail.
  • The head usually does not have any markings other than a moderately wide postocular stripe that runs from behind the eye back to the angle of the mouth.
  • The iris is gold or bronze, with varying amounts of black reticulation, while the tongue is black.

Additional Features Of The Labaria

Length – Adults usually grow to a total length 75–125 cm (about 30-50 inches) and are moderately heavy-bodied. Reports of the maximum size are not clear, as this species is often confused with B. asper. Soini (1974) mentioned of a series of 80 specimens collected in northeastern Peru, the largest was a female of 138.8 cm (4.55 ft). The largest specimen measured by Campbell and Lamar (2004) was a female with a total length of 162 cm (5.31 ft).[2]

Scale – The scalation includes 23-29 (usually 23-25) rows of dorsal scales at midbody, 169-214 and 177-214 ventral scales in males and females, respectively, 52-86 (usually 75 or fewer) subcaudal scales in males, which are usually divided, and 47-72 subcaudals in females. On the head, the rostral scale is about as high, or slightly higher, than it is wide. There are three to 11 (usually five to 9) keeled intersupraocular scales, seven to 13 (usually eight to 11) sublabial scales and six to 9 (usually seven) supralabial scales, the second of which is fused with the prelacunal to form a lacunolabial.

Scientific Classification Of The Labaria

Labaria – Bothrops Atrox [Scientific name]

  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Class:    Reptilia
  • Order:   Squamata
  • Suborder: Serpentes
  • Family:  Viperidae
  • Genus:  Bothrops
  • Species: B. atrox

Habitat Of The Labaria

This species is found in the tropical lowlands of South America east of the Andes, including southeastern Colombia, southern and eastern Venezuela, the island of Trinidad (although there is some confusion regarding the systematics of this population), Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, eastern Ecuador, eastern Peru, Panama, northern Bolivia and the northern half of Brazil.

Diet & Reproduction Of The Labaria

The main diet includes mostly small mammals and birds, but also frogs, lizards and tarantulas. Larger prey is struck and released, after which it is tracked down via its scent trail.

They can give live birth to up to 80 offspring at once. Adults breed year-round. After mating, females with developing embryos travel in and out of sunlight to keep themselves and the embryos at a constant temperature. In equatorial regions, the gestation period is about three to four months, with an average of 60 young per litter. At birth, the young are about 30 cm (12 in) in total length, more brightly colored than adults, and have yellow or beige tails.

Tip: These snakes are known to search for rodents in coffee and banana plantations. Workers there are often bitten by the snakes, which can lie camouflaged for hours, nearly undetectable, and strike with high speed.

About The Venom

Their venom consists mostly of hemotoxin, a toxic protein that affects the circulatory and nervous system; it destroys red blood cells, and sometimes loss of memory occurs. They are much feared because their venom is particularly lethal and fast acting. Presently, treatment is usually possible if the victim receives medical attention soon enough. Commonly, bites from this snake cause symptoms including nausea, blackouts, and paralysis. In almost all cases, temporary and sometimes permanent loss of local or ‘short term’ memory were reported. Extended hospital stays, as well as weight loss of up to 15 pounds, have also been reported. Venom yield averages 124 milligrams (1.91 gr), although it may be as much as 342 milligrams (5.28 gr). The enzyme reptilase (batroxobin), derived from this snake’s venom, is used in modern medical laboratories to measure fibrinogen levels and blood coagulation capability. The test is considered to be a replacement for thrombin time, and is used when heparin is present in the sample. The enzyme is unaffected by heparin.

What To Do If Bitten?

  • Remain calm: The more you panic, the faster your heart will beat and circulate the venom around your body. The calmer you are, the lesser the chance of this happening, the better the chance of you surviving
  • Get to the nearest Hospital: The longer you wait to get treatment, the more you are putting yourself at risk of complications, including death.
  • Lessen your physical activity: The more you do the more you will increase your heart rate and increase the venom circulation. Get others to work for you, including lifting you if possible.
  • Keep your limb down: If you were bitten on a limb, then keep the affected limb down to decrease the amount of blood flowing upwards. This will decrease the rate of flow of the venom to the rest of your body.
  • Let the wound bleed for shallow bites: This may help to get some venom out of your body.
  • Compress squirting wounds: In cases where the bite causes blood to squirt from the wound, you should compress the wound and wrap a tight band around it.
  • Clean with soap and water around the wound: Do not excessively wash the wound as this can cause other complications by itself.

Labaria In Guyana

The Bothrops Atrox is also known as the common lancehead, fer-de-lance, barba amarilla and mapepire balsain. As you would have read, it is a venomous pit viper species found in the tropical lowlands of northern South America east of the Andes. Although generally terrestrial, it is also an excellent swimmer and even climbs trees when necessary to reach prey. Generally nocturnal, it may forage at any time of the day, though, if necessary. These snakes are also easily agitated. Further, the lancehead is a hunter that relies on its camouflage to attack prey. The skin color blends in perfectly with the surroundings. Using the pit organs, it can deduce the position of its prey. Conflicts with people have occurred due to its habit of lying in walking trails in wait of prey as well as invading plantations in search of rodent prey. Yes, this snake is one of the most feared for its unique features, personality and abilities.

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