Shrimp: Guyanese Style

June 19, 2019

Shrimp – you may be accustomed to eating these delicious crustaceans in your favorite meal. But here in Guyana, we have our own recipes to make these 10-legged creatures even more appetizing. As you continue to read, you will find out the types of shrimps used in Guyana and some interesting facts about them. Read on to find out more.

Curried Shrimp – Photo by Lummmy (

Common Shrimps Used In Guyana

Some of the more common shrimps used in Guyana are locally called the white belly shrimp, coast shrimp, dried shrimp and prawns.

The white belly and the coast shrimp can be used for the same purpose, the only difference is that the coarse shrimp is larger than the white belly. Some people prefer to use the tiny white belly to cook bounjal (dry curry) shrimp with dhal and rice. Others prefer to use the coarse ones to cook curry (watery curry) shrimp with rice. However, they both can be used when cooking vegetables.

That brings us to the dried shrimp. Dried shrimps are just as the name describes it – they are shrimps that are dried, either the coarse one or the white belly. These dried shrimps can be eating in cook-up rice or in any vegetable. Usually, people use the dried shrimp when they cannot get the freshwater (wet) shrimp.

Now, the biggest shrimp of all found in Guyana is prawns. Prawns are very delicious; it can be deep-fried, stir-fried and served along with french fries, rice or sautéed vegetables.

Tip: Any small ocean creature, resembling a shrimp tends to be called one.

Five Health Benefits Of Shrimp

  1. Low In Calories – This seafood is healthy for you as it is low in calories yet provides enough a lot of protein and healthy fats, plus a wide vitamins and minerals.
  2. Promote Hearth Health – Shrimp contains, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids good for heart health but it is high in cholesterol.
  3. Weight Loss – A great protein source, Shrimp is a easy seafood which helps you to lose weight.
  4. Hair Growth – Minerals, like zinc, found in Shrimp contributes to healthy hair.  Zinc is important in the maintaining and creation of hair and skin cells.

Did You Know? Some persons are allergic to shrimps. This is because of a protein called tropomyosin, found in the seafood.

Cooking Shrimp In Guyana

Another popular dish consumed in Guyana is bunjhal shrimp curry. This method is faster and involved the curry drying down or allowing reduction of the gravy. The Shrimp needs to be thickly coated in the curry paste and flavoured with various spices. Shrimp curry and bunjhal Shrimp are usually enjoyed as cutters (appetizers) or with dhal and rice. Below you will find the recipe for curried Shrimp.

Shrimp Curry – Guyanese Style


  • 1 lb shrimp, cleaned
  • green seasoning
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 3 tbsp curry powder
  • 2 tsp geera
  • 2 tsp masala
  • 1 tbsp turmeric
  • 2 wiri wiri pepper
  • water
  • 12/ cup coconut milk
  • salt
  • 2 tbsp oil


  1. In a small bowl, mix green seasoning, masala, geera and turmeric. Add water to make into a paste.
  2. Heat oil and saute onions then add curry paste.
  3. Allow the mixture to cook for two (3) minutes or until browned.
  4. Add shrimp and coat evenly with curry paste.
  5. Add salt and fry for a few minutes.
  6. Stir in water and coconut milk.
  7. Allow to boil and reduce.
  8. Remove from heat and serve warm with rice or roti.

Shrimp In Guyana

In Guyana, you can buy shrimp from the local market, the supermarket or even at various shops. Sometimes, the fisherman may pass around and sell fresh shrimps. You can also get shrimp from the Meadow Bank Wharf, Pritipaul Singh Investments and at FantaSeafood. Whether you get coarse shrimp, little white belly, dried shrimp or prawns, all are sure to satisfy your taste buds. Even though the prawns make a more luxurious dish, the bounjal shrimp curry is more popular and widely eaten around Guyana. Yes, the various shrimps found in Guyana are indeed delicious and intriguing.

Article References:

Last Updated: 2020-07-2020

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