Things Guyana is now accepting nominations for persons making a difference in society

January 16, 2021

In keeping with our objectives, which are to inform, entertain, intrigue, and inspire our readers in a positive and meaningful way, Things Guyana is accepting nominees for people who have made significant contributions towards the developments of Guyana.

We believe that everyone’s story is worth telling, whether you’re a cashier at a supermarket, a barber who is working to provide for your family, a medical professional working on the frontlines, or a member of the joint services.

No matter your profession, we want to hear from you. Our lives have changed in unthinkable ways since the onset of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). As a country, we need all hands on decks. We need to work together to keep each other safe and to move our country to higher heights.

Our national motto: One People, One Nation, One Destiny signifies the unity among us regardless of our race, religion, social class, or economic background. Things Guyana wants to recognise as many people as possible for their contributions, no matter how big or small.

To start the process of nominating yourself or someone, you can send us your/their name, email address, telephone number, and brief information detailing their contributions to WhatsApp +592 685 – 4977. You can also reach out to us via Facebook at ThingsGuyana or Instagram at Things_guyana.

Article Categories:
Inspiration · People

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